Dental implants are realistic-looking, long-term prosthetic teeth that can replace one or more missing or damaged teeth. They are sometimes referred to as an implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis because they are surgically inserted into the jaw.

Dental implants

Healthy, long-term tooth replacement

Dental implant surgery is a commonly sought after solution for single tooth or multiple lost teeth because it improves dental health, promotes healthy gums and jaw bone, and has a high success rate.

A dental implant is made up of three parts that work together:

  • A medical-grade titanium post
  • An abutment that attaches to the implant
  • A crown that blends into your teeth and gums

Dental Implant FAQ


Dental implants are such a remarkable tooth replacement option because they have all the benefits of natural teeth. According to historical records, people have attempted to replace human teeth with root form implants as far back as 2500 BCE. While our ancestors used different materials—including ivory, animal bone, and shell— today, we typically opt for artificial teeth crafted from high-quality biocompatible materials to emulate the look and feel of natural teeth.

The most common type of implant is an endosteal implant which is surgically inserted into the jaw. These implants won't slip and slide around in your mouth like conventional dentures, and they don't have to be removed during eating and brushing. In fact, once placed, successful implants keep your jaw bone strong and healthy.

Dental implants offer many wonderful benefits because they:

  • Are realistic and seamlessly blend in with adjacent teeth.
  • Renew your self-confidence.
  • Prevent potential health conditions or functional issues from arising and can prevent the need for additional procedures in the future.
  • Help control bone loss and maintain your facial aesthetics when the implant post fuses with the jaw bone.
  • Can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch of teeth.
  • Allow you to enjoy your favorite foods again.

During your consultation, your oral surgeon or dental provider will work with you to determine if dental implant therapy is the right treatment for you and your condition.

The Dental Implant Process

Our oral surgeons have received extensive training in implant dentistry and produce high rates of implant success. When you receive artificial tooth implants at our practice, you can expect your experience to proceed as follows:

  • The consultation. This is typically the first time that you visit our office. One of our oral surgeons will evaluate your condition and create a treatment plan that suits your needs. At this appointment, the surgeon may take 3D scans for computer-aided dental implant planning to ensure analyze what would be the ideal implant positioning to address your needs and concerns.
  • Bone grafting. Because your surgeon will place the implant in bone, you need enough jaw bone to support it. Should you have jaw bone loss, bone grafting can increase the quantity of bone through reconstructive dental surgery. This will be performed prior to your implant placement to allow adequate time for bone healing. At the end of the healing phase, you will be a candidate for dental implant use.
  • The day of surgery. When the anesthesia has taken effect, your oral surgeon will make a small incision in your gum tissue, insert the titanium screw into your jaw bone, and stitch the surgical site closed. This part of the dental implant process, also known as osseointegration surgery, will be performed prior to your permanent implant placement to allow adequate time for the metal implant to fuse with the jaw bone so it can mimic a strong, natural tooth root for your artificial tooth.
  • Recovery. It's very important that the healing process after dental implant surgery goes smoothly to ensure long-term implant survival and avoid clinical complications; therefore you must take proper care of your oral health, particularly around the surgical site. You will be given detailed postoperative instructions, which will encourage you to maintain excellent dental hygiene and temporarily adhere to a soft food diet, to ensure you have a smooth and speedy recovery. Not following the instructions may create problems with your implant treatment or complications with implants that may result in implant failure, which can impede long-term success.
  • The crown placement. After assessing the implant's initial stability and tracking evidence of osseointegration over a period of time, your oral surgeon or restorative dental care professional will place your permanent, custom crown over the actual implant. This artificial crown is specifically made to match the color, shape, and size of your healthy teeth, making your implant indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Dental implant cost in San Francisco, CA

Patient conditions, any additional procedures, the types of implants used, and needs vary. All of these factors impact the cost of treatment. No matter your needs, our staff works hard to make sure that our care is offered at competitive prices for the San Francisco, CA area.

We would be happy to talk to you and configure an accurate cost estimate that considers all of these factors with you. Please contact our office and request a consultation, where we will discuss your cost of dental implants. We also offer financing to help make your care more affordable.

Immediate implants in San Francisco, CA

Immediate implants are a popular implant solution for patients looking to quickly replace a single tooth. This type of implant is placed right after a tooth is extracted and allows the patient to leave the office with a replacement tooth already in place.

Denture replacement with dental implants

Implants can secure a fixed denture, eliminating the need for removable dentures and restoring full functionality to your smile. You can also replace traditional crowns, bridges, or dentures with an implant-supported bridge or multiple implants.

Dental implant FAQ


The recovery time following dental implant placement surgery is three to six months. Your age, jaw bone condition, and your body's healing abilities affect the length of this process. Throughout the healing period, you'll attend appointments to ensure the best chance of long-term implant survival. At our practice, we have high rates of successful implants, even with complex treatments.


You may experience some discomfort after any surgical procedure. We work diligently to make sure all of our patients are comfortable while in our care. We offer multiple anesthesia options so that you can be at ease and relaxed during your procedure.


Dental implants require easy care: brush, floss, and see your dentist for regular checkups. With proper oral hygiene and dental care, you can expect long-term implant survival and have a beautiful, restored smile for years to come.


We are here to help! If you are interested in replacement teeth with dental implants, talk to a member of our staff to schedule an appointment with our trusted team of oral surgeons.

Find us in San Francisco, CA

We have four convenient practice locations to serve you in San Francisco, CA choose from our West Portal office (on W. Portal Avenue), our Stonestown office (on Buckingham Way), our Van Ness office (on Daniel Burnham Court), and our South San Francisco office (on Westborough Blvd).

Get Directions: West Portal
Get Directions: Stonestown
Get Directions: Van Ness
Get Directions: Westborough